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  • April 01, 2022 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Harry Looney – April 2022

    Thank you for participating in the 2021 LACA Member Survey.  The Water Quality Committee included four questions in the survey and water quality was included as responses in questions 30 and 31.  We would like to update our members on the results and the Committee’s status on responding to the inputs and comments. 

    Question 1 dealt with how LACA communicates our water quality monitoring results.  All water quality data is posted on the LACA website under the Water Quality Committee page.  You can get to the Water Quality Committee landing page at this link: You can also view the plots and data maps posted for water quality and cyanobacteria monitoring at this link  LACA also provides updates on our Water Quality Monitoring Program through regular newsletter articles, Facebook updates, and E-grams.

    The 2021 Member Survey results show that 64% of our members use the LACA website to obtain our water quality updates and 62% are also updated from our E-grams.  We received 44 comments on how our members obtain water quality information.  Many of our members receive information from the Central Virginian, their HOA newsletters, word of mouth, and through the Lake Anna Advisory Committee (LAAC).

    Question 2 dealt with identifying other means for communicating HAB data and information.  71% of survey respondents selected SMS-texting to better communicate our water quality data.  Twitter received a 5% response and Instagram received a 7% response.  There were 95 comments to this question – a fantastic response!  The primary communications means addressed in the comments was email.  Local news media coverage was also mentioned by several of our members. In response to the large number of comments requesting email notices, the Water Quality Committee will send an email to all LACA members when water quality data is updated on our website.  In addition, given the overwhelming response to SMS text messaging, our Board is researching cost-effective messaging platforms that we could use to inform those of you that opt-in to this form of messaging.  More information on this form of communication with our members will be provided as we move toward adopting a messaging platform. 

    The Water Quality Committee is also researching existing crowd-sourcing platforms designed specifically to track and monitor HABs.  One such platform is BloomWatchhosted by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Please consider downloading and using this iOS and Android application and send us comments if you like it or if you know of other apps that we might use to keep our members informed of HAB status and LACA HAB responses in 2022.  Send your inputs to Harry Looney at

    Question 3 asked if our research, data collection and analysis efforts impact use of the lake recreational resources.  87% of those responding stated that the information provided by LACA does impact their decision-making processes.

    We are pleased that our program provides relevant, valuable information to our members but there is always room for improvement.  If you have any thoughts on how our efforts might be improved please reach out to the Water Quality Committee leads, Mike Gelber at and Harry Looney at

    Question 4 asked if there are other water quality issues that you are concerned about.  There were 130 responses to this question. Here are a couple of the concerns that were brought to our attention.  While we are just listing a few of these concerns in this newsletter we are investigating each input to determine where LACA might be best positioned to address the concern.  E.coli monitoring was mentioned several times in the concerns.  LACA has tested for E.coli since we began water quality monitoring in 2002.  We sample all areas of the lake and several stream locations four times a year and publish those results on our Water Quality Data webpage.

    Another concern that was mentioned by several members is the status of Contrary Creek. The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) listed Contrary Creek as impaired for multiple metals and low pH (acidic) in their Integrated Assessment Report in 2020.  The creek has been listed as impaired for many years due to the historic mining activities that took place in the Mineral area along the banks of the creek. LACA has spoken with DEQ on several occasions about the status of Contrary Creek and we will continue to reach out to the appropriate state authorities on what can be done to improve water quality in the creek. 

    Septic tank issues were also mentioned by several respondents.  Leaking or failed septic systems can release large amounts of nutrients (phosphorous and nitrogen) into the water table that eventually makes its way into the lake.  These nutrients are the primary cause for cyanobacteria growth resulting in Harmful Algae Blooms. We are reviewing our data to determine if septic systems could potentially be a contributor to the HAB issues we have been experiencing the past four years. 

    Several respondents wrote that water quality monitoring on the hot side should be adopted.  We are not sure how this misperception got started but LACA has always monitored the hot side during our regular monitoring sessions in April, June, August, and October.  We currently monitor seven stations, one at the power plant outfall, two on Elk Creek, two on Mill Pond, one on Coleman Creek, and one on Rock Creek.  Other areas of concern that LACA is investigating include, silting/sediment, fish toxin levels, leaf debris, pesticides, and non-native plant species.

    Question 30 asked our members for volunteer support of LACA’s programs and other efforts.  Twenty-three people stated that they would like to volunteer in support of LACA’s water quality programs.  The Water Quality Committee prepared a Google Form outlining each of the projects that will be executed in 2022 to learn which projects people would like to volunteer for.  The form was sent to each of the more than 35 current volunteers and the 23 people that responded to the Member Survey.  If you responded that you wanted to volunteer for the water quality programs but did not receive the form, please reach out via email to Harry Looney at

    Question 31 allowed respondents to provide additional comments that were not covered elsewhere in the survey.  Three of the comments were assigned to the Water Quality Committee.  The first comment stated that algae blooms should be the #1 concern right now.  We agree!  We are working with the Environmental Preservation Committee and other members of the LACA Board on a Cyanobacteria Mitigation, Remediation, and Prevention plan that we would like to execute in 2022. You will see a lot more on this effort soon via LACA E-grams, our website, and hopefully in the local news media. 

    The second comment assigned to the Water Quality Committee was from a respondent that said they would volunteer for water quality sampling if it was done on the private side.  Again, we are not sure how this misperception started but LACA has tested the private side for many years during our April, June, August, and October sampling sessions.  We will continue to sample the private side in 2022 and beyond. 

    The third comment assigned to the Water Quality Committee dealt with excess amounts of sediment being introduced into the lake and coves.  The sediment is coming from upstream locations and must be managed at the source.  LACA is investigating mitigation means and funding sources to implement the measures in our Cyanobacteria Mitigation, Remediation and Prevention plan focused on nutrient reduction from upstream sources.  These nutrient mitigation measures also impact the amount of sediment that enters the creeks and streams so it could have a positive effect on the sedimentation that is occurring in some of the coves around Lake Anna.

    Interested LACA members are welcome to volunteer in support of LACA’s Water Quality Monitoring Program.  Contact the Water Quality Project Officer at if you are interested in learning more or volunteering.

  • February 01, 2022 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By John Wayne – February 2022

    The result of the lengthy public hearing by the Planning Commission, which finally concluded the evening of January 19th, was a 7-0 vote to recommend Denial of the SUP application required for the Four Seasons RV Park!  This positive step was taken after completing the reading into the record of the remaining written statements, the applicant’s rebuttal, and further discussion among the Commission members. 

    For a reminder of how we got to this point, you will recall that the Planning Commission Public Hearing began on November 17th but was not completed due to the number of concerned citizens who chose to speak, and the over 200 emails and letters that were sent to be read into the record during the hearing.  The Hearing was continued to December 1, and then again, based on the remaining volume of statements not able to be read at that meeting, scheduled to be continued January 5th. The January 5th meeting was postponed due to weather and rescheduled for January 19th.

    In addition to voting to recommend denial of the SUP application during the meeting on January 19th, the planning commission also added several new conditions to those the Planning Staff had already drafted.  These conditions will go forward to the Board of Supervisors as recommended conditions of implementation should the Board of Supervisors not adopt the PC recommendation to deny the application.  Conditions added during the meeting include forbidding boat rentals, reducing the number of permanent “park model RV’s” to a maximum of 15 and reducing the number of available boat slips to a maximum of 30.  In addition, the commission requests that the Board of Supervisors not hear this SUP application until a supervisor has been elected to replace the late Barry Jett, representing the Livingston district.

    The third edition of the public hearing on the 19th was attended by over 50 concerned citizens. LACA and its Board would like to thank all those from the community that wrote letters, emails and/or spoke at the public hearings, especially those that were able to attend in person over the course of the three meetings.

    As this decision moves to the Board of Supervisors, we need to continue to make our voices known to our elected officials encouraging them to deny this SUP.  Please continue to watch the LACA website and look for EGrams alerting you to the next step in this process which likely will be the presentation of the PC's recommendation to the Board of Supervisors who will then take up the matter for a vote.  The BOS is not bound by the Planning Commission recommendation and is free to vote yes or no on the future of this SUP and the Four Seasons RV Park.   It will be very important for our voices to be heard at the BOS when this occurs!

    By the time you read this article there will likely be a newly elected Supervisor for the Livingston District replacing the late Barry Jett, and this SUP Application may be on a March 2022 BOS meeting agenda.  In the meantime, remember that you can avail yourself of the public comment period, available during any and all Board of Supervisor meeting, to let the Supervisors know of your position on the RV Park.  It would also be a great idea to write or email all of the Spotsylvania County Supervisors to make your position known. You can find all the BOS contact information at

    When the BOS sets the SUP application on their agenda, LACA will provide information on the schedule and it will be very important that a good representation from concerned citizens be present at the BOS meeting.  Please continue to watch the LACA - Land Use – Four Seasons RV Park web page, , for information on all upcoming public meetings surrounding this SUP.

    LACA Land Use Committee

  • February 01, 2022 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Mike Rigdon – February 2022

    Homeowners within 5 impaired sub-watersheds in Lake Anna region (excluding the purple area for Spotsylvania shown in Figure 1 below) are eligible for cost-sharing help with septic issues.  E-coli bacteria in some local streams have long been identified as being higher than specified by state water quality standards.   Other pollutants are also involved: particularly nutrients such as phosphorous and nitrogen that fuel the growth of unwanted algae. 

    The state has funded grants under the Department of Environmental Quality’s Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Program for projects focused on reducing any existing or potential impacts on local ground and surface water quality.  More recently additional funding has become available from the American Rescue Plan Act to help low-income owners repair or replace well and septic systems.  A benefit to the property owner is the assurance that their system meets state standards and is functioning properly.  It is a win-win for both water quality and property values. 

    Two of our local Soil & Water Conservation Districts have grants from DEQ’s Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Program to address failing or non-existent septic systems.  At the state level these programs have been in place for several years. In addition to promoting residential best practices to support water quality, they include inspection and financial assistance for septic system repairs and upgrades.  Funding for septic system work is provided by the Commonwealth to implement the Upper York Watershed TMDLplan (Total Maximum Daily Load of pollutant allowed) to reduce water pollution in the Upper York River watershed.  More recently additional funding has become available from the American Rescue Plan Act to help low-income residents repair or replace well and septic systems. A benefit to the property owner is the assurance that their system meets state standards and is functioning properly.  It is a win-win for both water quality and property values. 

    Financial assistance for septic system pump outs and repairs is available in the following Orange County watersheds: Mountain Run (Gordonsville); Pamunkey Creek; Terry’s Run and Beaver Creek. This is nearly all of the section of Orange County south of Route 20 and east of US 15.  A companion program administered by the Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District (TJSWCD) is available for the Goldmine Creek watershed in Louisa County.  Please note that the Culpeper Soil and Water Conservation District (CSWCD) has been at this for several years in the Lake Anna watershed with numerous completed and ongoing efforts.  TJSWCD’s effort on Goldmine Creek in the Lake Anna watershed has been underway for just one year. So far they have approved three system replacements and funded two pump outs.

    Figure 1. Color coded map of the upper Lake Anna Watershed.  Areas covered by projects administered by the CSWCD for Orange County and the TJSWCD for Louisa County are shown with impaired portions of the streams on the basis of e-coli colored red.

    Program participants are eligible for several different payment amounts depending on the needs of their system as determined by an initial inspection. Reimbursement payments are typically fifty percent for anyone but can go as high as eighty percent for individuals that qualify for low-income status.

    Payments to property owners at the 50% cost share level are $2000 maximum towards a pump out and system inspection;  $2,500 maximum towards repair; $4,000 maximum towards a conventional system or $6,000 if a pump is required to move the liquids to the drain field; and $12,000 maximum towards an alternative engineered system (maximum payments under low- income situations at the 80% cost share level are $3,200 maximum towards a pump out and full system inspection; $4000 maximum towards a repair; $6,400 maximum towards a conventional system or $9,600 if a pump is required to move the liquids to the drain field; and $19,200 maximum towards an alternative engineered system).

  • February 01, 2022 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Ron Skinner – February 2022

    Plans for the future New Bridge Fire & Rescue Station are moving ahead. 

    Spearheaded by Louisa County Mineral District Supervisor Duane Adams and Fire/EMS Chief Robert Dubé, the county Board of Supervisors approved an expansion of the project to include fire protection services in addition to the previous rescue/EMT building design.  The facility will now be constructed to house fire trucks along with ambulance units, bringing the plan back to the original 2016 concept for the much-needed facility.  The County supported the expanded design with an additional $600,000 budget supplement, bringing the total budget appropriation to $1.5 million for building construction and site work.

    The non-profit Foundation for Lake Anna Emergency Services has now raised $190,000 from generous donations by the Lake Anna community.  $100,000 “seed funding” was granted to Louisa County in June 2021 to jump-start project construction.  Fundraising continues targeted to help with additional costs of building equipment, supplies, personnel gear, furniture, etc. for the new station, and to supplement and replace equipment to be donated by Mineral Volunteer Fire Department and Louisa County Fire/EMS.

    A Groundbreaking Ceremony was held on December 27 at the future station site, 1856 New Bridge Road, with over 100 in attendance and an impressive display of Louisa Fire/EMS vehicles from several current stations as a backdrop.  Speakers included Adams and Dubé, plus County administrator Christian Goodwin, Foundation President Patrick Gallagher, and Vice President Jane Gallagher.  Other attendees included County supervisors Willie Gentry and Tommy Barlow, Parks/Recreation Director James Smith, Foundation Board Directors Brian Gilbreth, Mark Smith and Ron Skinner, Mineral VFD officers Lewis Keller and Lloyd Runnett, plus a large contingent of volunteers and career staff from several Louisa County Fire/EMS stations, and many local citizens and business owners from the lake area.

    The ceremony was groundbreaking in respects beyond shovels in the dirt.  New Bridge Fire & Rescue will be the first new fire station built in Louisa County in 30 years and will be the first Fire/EMS facility to be constructed and owned by the County.  It will serve an estimated 2,800 homes and businesses in the Lake Anna area of Louisa County, of which 85% are more than 5 miles from the nearest current emergency facility. 

    Construction is now scheduled to begin in the Spring, with completion expected by the end of Summer 2022.  Recent delays, driven by the COVID pandemic and its consequences, have resulted in push-back of the original construction timeline.  Unexpected issues that arose have included:  deferment of appropriations considering tax revenue concerns, bidding and securing of a qualified contractor, difficulties in procuring structural steel, price and supply of lumber. Initial engineering and soil test work have been completed and construction plans are ready to be finalized soon.

    For more background on New Bridge Fire & Rescue Station and how to donate to the Foundation for Lake Anna Emergency Services, see the “Land Use/New Bridge Rescue” tab on the LACA website ( or go to

  • December 01, 2021 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By John Wayne – December 2021

    The Land Use Committee is charged with continually understanding new and proposed developments at the Lake, keeping our membership apprised of what is happening around the Lake. In the next few months, we will provide the latest information on developments occurring on or near the lake in Spotsylvania and Louisa Counties. For this month however, we wanted to provide an update on the status of the Special Use Permit for Four Seasons RV Park.

    As I hope you are already aware, the largest and most controversial proposed development on the Spotsylvania County side of the lake is the Four Seasons RV Park. The current proposal has the developer seeking a Special Use Permit (SUP) under the existing Resort-Agricultural zoning of this combined 135-acre tract located in the northeast corner of the lake on Pamunkey Creek. The proposal includes 300 RV Sites, 90 of which may be permanent “Park Model RV’s”, a restaurant, lounge, pools, gyms, an amphitheater, a marina with 49 slips and bait shop, and many other amenities. LACA polled its membership early in 2021 and determined that over 90% of our responding membership are opposed to this development on Pamunkey Creek. Based on this data, LACA has continued to be in active opposition to this development, the first time in our history we have done so. Your LACA representatives and many other concerned citizens have met with County Planning Commission staff and members, County Supervisors, and other officials voicing our concerns and opposition.

    On November 17th, a public hearing was held by the Planning Commission where over 200 of your neighbors were in attendance. The Public Comment period was led off by our President Greg Baker, who provided the top four reasons why the SUP for the RV Park should not be approved. Greg was followed by 48 other concerned citizens, who for two- and one-half hours provided reason after reason why the Four Seasons RV Park will be significantly detrimental to the Upper Pamunkey Branch, the citizens who make up the communities in that area, and Lake Anna as a whole. Next, statements that had been sent to the Planning Commission by over 250 concerned citizens began to be read into the record of the hearing. This continued until approximately 12:30 AM when the reading was suspended until the next Planning Commission Meeting, scheduled for December 1, 2021.

    On December 1st the Planning Commission met to resume reading of the statements sent by concerned citizens. As there remained many statements to be read, an agreement was reached early in this meeting that, if necessary, reading would conclude at 10:00 pm, and commence again with any remaining statements to be read at the Planning Commission meeting scheduled for January 5, 2022. Reading continued until close to 10:00 at which time two individuals who had requested to make in person statements were heard, and with no other business to be conducted, the meeting was adjourned.

    We will want to continue to pressure our elected officials to deny this SUP. By the time you read this article the Board of Supervisors meeting scheduled for December will have occurred and while they will not be considering this development at that meeting, I hope that some from the community will have taken advantage of the public comment period, available during every Board of Supervisor meeting, to let the Supervisors know the depth of the public opposition to this RV Park. It will be important that a good representation from the concerned citizens be present at all meetings until this SUP is defeated.

    Please plan to attend the next Planning Commission meeting on the 5th of January. Continued Statement reading should take about an hour or so, and then the Commission will hear a rebuttal from the Developer, followed by questions from the Commission. A vote at the Planning Commission level is likely at this meeting. There are currently no updates on the calendar for the Supervisors meetings for 2022. Normally they meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month and presuming a Planning Commission vote in their January 5th meeting, the earliest the Board of Supervisors could act on this decision is their first meeting in February. If this occurs, we will want to have a large contingent of folks there to make statements in opposition to this SUP. Please continue to watch the LACA - Land Use – Four Seasons RV Park web page, , for information on opportunities to continue to indicate the community’s opposition to this development on Lake Anna.

  • December 01, 2021 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Al Bennett – December 2021

    This article is a reprint of an article that was first published in October 2018.  It is a seasonal reminder that blowing leaves into the Lake is not a good practice.  As homeowners, it is difficult for us to control the amount of nutrients that enter our lake from upstream sources; however, as residents we can control what enters the lake from our respective properties.

    Blowing leaves into the lake is not recommended.  Although not illegal, it is a form of littering that is discourteous to neighbors and it is harmful to the lake’s ecosystem.

    Leaves blown into the lake rarely settle at the shoreline of origin.  They are carried by wind and current to other locations before they reach bottom.  In coves, it is usually the few lots at the back of the cove that receive the leaf debris.  They are unsightly and over time, sedimentation buildup will cause these owners to lose water depth and will leave them with a squishy bottom.

    Decaying leaves release nutrients, primarily carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous.  These nutrients are great for soil but excess nutrients are a pollutant to lakes like ours.  These nutrients, especially phosphorous, are a fertilizer for hydrilla and algae, promoting their growth.  As hydrilla growth spreads, herbicides and/or carp are then needed to control its growth.

    Similarly, excessive nutrient levels can contribute to low dissolved oxygen levels by causing abundant growths of phytoplankton (microscopic plants and algae) called blooms.  Living phytoplankton may deplete oxygen levels during the night and as the phytoplankton die; decomposition of the organic material by bacteria consumes oxygen.

    Let’s all be good neighbors and good stewards of our lake’s ecosystem by not blowing leaves into the lake.  Instead, please consider collecting and finely mulching your leaves and then spreading them across your yard so that their nutrients can be returned to your soil.

  • December 01, 2021 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Sue Biondi – December 2021

    I hope everyone found the health article in the September newsletter helpful.  To continue in my series of articles pertaining to living a healthy lifestyle in the lake environment, I would like to address a topic that may affect you more than you realize.  We recently returned to Eastern Standard Time after enjoying longer hours of daylight during Daylight Savings Time. 

    Seeing the sunset during the summer after 8:00 PM offered us time to spend outdoors in the evening, perhaps going for a long walk or playing with the family in the yard after dinner.  Or maybe you took out the boat or pontoon and raced to the western shores to enjoy watching the sun go down below the horizon and watching the show Mother Nature has to offer.  But then comes the late fall and time to turn those clocks back, which greatly shortens the amount of daylight come around 5:00 PM.  Did you ever think this doesn’t affect you?  Let’s take a look.

    Many of us have different thoughts about turning the clock back.  Some who work and live very busy lives are happy for the extra hour of sleep.  On the other hand, many are dreading the darkness that comes late afternoon.  But those who are not doing well making the adjustment may be suffering from what experts from the National Institute of Mental Health call “Seasonal Affective Disorder” (SAD).  It usually affects people, as imagined, in the fall and winter when daylight is shortened, and disappears in the spring and summer. 

    People who live in normal areas of shortened daylight as well as those who suffer from depression or bipolar disorders, young adults, and females are mostly affected.  Experts believe the lack of light may interfere with the sleep-wake cycle and circadian rhythms.  They may also overproduce melatonin, a naturally occurring chemical that aids sleep.  Other nervous system components may be affected.
    Some signs, symptoms and most at risk groups follow: 

    • Feelings of sadness or hopelessness
    • Decrease in energy and ability to concentrate
    • Increased appetite and weight gain
    • Irritability, moodiness and sleepiness
    • Social withdrawal

    A thorough physical exam, which includes a mental assessment, helps to confirm a diagnosis.  Treatment, as well as prevention, includes medication (antidepressants), light therapy, which mimics natural outdoor light, psychotherapy and supplemental Vitamin D, which remains controversial.  Recommended is opening blinds and shades, trimming branches or shrubs that may be blocking sunlight from entering the home, and exercise, which can help elevate mood and relieve stress.

    Another situation to consider that may adversely affect health and well-being, especially in older adults, infants and young children,is hypothermia, defined as a decrease in body temperature, usually caused by prolonged exposure to cold.  Other causes include diabetes and thyroid disorders, severe trauma, and alcohol and drug use.  Normal body temperature is about 98.6 degrees F.  In hypothermia, the body temperature falls below 95 degrees.  About 90% of body heat is lost through the skin and the rest through exhalation.  As the body temperature decreases, shivering occurs to produce heat.  The effect is lower heart rate, slower breathing, which may lead to shock, cardiac arrest and death.  Categories of hypothermia include:

    Mild hypothermia - Temperature 90-95 degrees F, severe shivering, slurred speech and amnesia.
    Moderate hypothermia - Temperature 82-90 degrees F, unresponsiveness, confusion, rigid muscles, bluing of skin (cyanosis) and shock
    Severe hypothermia - Temperature below 82 degrees F, loss of reflexes, dilated pupils, inability to feel a pulse and no audible heart sounds.

    Treatment includes CPR in the absence of breathing or pulse, moving the person to a warm, indoor area, removal of wet clothing if indicated, followed by applying layers of blankets or coats.  The head should be covered except for the face.  If the person is alert, provide warm, non-alcoholic and non-caffeinated beverages.  Do not apply warm compresses as this would increase the heart rate and circulate the cold blood through the heart, lungs and brain, which may cause a decrease in core body temperature which could be fatal.  If advanced medical treatment is available, warm intravenous fluids may be administered.
    Prevention should be discussed with family and especially people who work or exercise outdoors.  They include:

    • Wear warm, windproof and waterproof layers of clothing.
    • Wear mittens instead of gloves so fingers can touch each other for warmth
    • Wear waterproof footwear with woolen socks placed over cotton socks
    • Wear a scarf or hat that covers the ears
    • Avoid alcohol or smoking
    • Avoid prolonged exposure to the cold.

    I hope this article helps to guide you through the winter months ahead of us and keeps you safe.  My next article will include tips for dealing with the dreaded snow that may or may not affect our area and the related activities that the snow brings.

  • November 01, 2021 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Ronda Williams – November 2021

    On October 17, during a celebration of Kirk O’Cliff Presbyterian Church’s 145th anniversary, John Robert “Bobby” Goodwin stood in front of the congregation and shared his memories of growing up in “the Kirk,” where he has been a member for 70 years.

    His grandparents began attending the church when he was a young boy. Pointing to various places within the approximately 900-square-foot sanctuary, he recalled a pump organ that his grandmother played, as well as a wood (and later, oil) stove that sat where the second- and third-row pews are now located. Describing the winter Sundays of his youth, he rephrased the familiar Bible verse, “Many are called, but few are chosen,” to the way he understood it as a child, “Many are cold, but few are frozen.”

    It was a day to celebrate one of the oldest churches in the Lake Anna community – originally built in 1876 near the New Bridge. In 1911, following a donation by the Harris family (who still own the farmland surrounding this church), the church was moved brick-by-brick by its membership to the current location at 16420 Monrovia Road.

    “Not one pane of glass was broken and only three floor pieces were damaged,” Goodwin recalls from the stories passed down from his childhood.

    Another featured speaker was the Rev. Mary Harris Todd, a minister at Morton Presbyterian Church in Rocky Mount, NC, who grew up attending the Kirk. “I have often said that I could write a book called, ‘All I Need to Know About Ministry I Learned at the Kirk,” she said in her opening remarks. “Growing up in this congregation has had a profound impact on me, and it has shaped me as a pastor. I can’t share all of the lessons I learned here this morning, but I can say that just about all of them point to answers to this question: Who is the church?”

    Rev. Todd went on to speak about the importance of inclusion in the church, and the Kirk’s answer to that call.  “As we point to the Prince of Peace in a time of so much polarization and division, I thank God for the Kirk. I’m still trying to practice the lessons that I learned here, and to pass on the many gifts that I received.”

    Those in attendance echoed Rev. Todd’s praise for the Kirk’s warmth in welcoming them and their loved ones and pointing the way to Christ. Dale Guthiel, one of the Kirk’s newest members, said he had just learned that morning of the church’s mission statement included the commitment, “We will remain a friendly, caring, informal church, welcoming everyone who professes Jesus Christ as savior,” Mr. Guthiel said, “You all live it, and that’s what has kept me coming back.”

    Through the years, the tiny Kirk (meaning “church” in Scottish) has been a mainstay in what is now the Lake Anna community. Its current local ministries include supporting the eradication of food insecurity by holding food drives and manning mobile food banks in Partlow and Livingston, providing disaster relief support, responding to emergency concerns, providing warm clothing to the homeless, and supporting the school supply needs of low-income children. Regional and global ministries support Operation Christmas Child, the Presbyterian Children’s Home, and the recognized missions supported by the special offerings of Presbyterian Church USA.

    “We have survived and thrived for 145 years, not by our willpower, but by God’s spirit,” said current Kirk pastor the Rev. John Grotz.

    Mineral resident Hal Sharp is a descendent of one of the 13 original members of the Kirk. His grandmother, Victoria Holladay Alexander, was a girl riding on the wagon carrying the bricks from the original location (now covered by the waters of Lake Anna) in 1911. A native of Atlanta, Mr. Sharp grew up a frequent guest of the church, and remembered his grandmother’s love of the Kirk.

    “She always said to me, ‘Don’t forget your church.’ It meant so much to her, and I can’t wait to tell the rest of the family that the wonderful testimonies you all have given today would’ve pleased her so tremendously … to be here at the construction of this location, and to see how the church has been built.”

  • November 01, 2021 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Irene Luck – November 2021

    The Lake Anna Civic Association has an award that it presents to a person, group or agency that has gone above and beyond for the greater Lake Anna community.  At this year’s annual meeting the group recognized Elk Creek Farm and its owners Dr. Randolph and Wendy Chisholm and Bill and Brenda Morris.

    This is the second time the family has received the award.  In 1999 Louis and Claudia Chisholm were presented the award, then known as the Good Neighbor Award, for their efforts to protect and promote Lake Anna and the Lake Anna Civic Association.  The farm is now owned by his children, Brenda Morris and Randy Chisholm, who spearheaded the efforts to improve the lake’s environment.

    The 625-acre farm sits along Elk and Millpond creeks in Louisa County and has been home to a cattle farm for many years.  The property is currently rented by the Goodwin family from Spotsylvania County and is home to anywhere from 100 to 200 head of cattle depending on the time of year.

    The owners recognized the impact the cattle were having on the lake’s quality as the cattle used it to cool off and often relieve themselves in the water.  Entering and exiting the lake was damaging the shoreline and causing the lake to become muddy as the cattle moved around in the muddy bottom.  To reduce the farm’s footprint on the environment the family installed six miles of fence along a portion of the farm with help from the Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District.

    In addition to the fence, the property now boasts beehives to encourage pollination of the plants and trees have been added along the streams to slow run-off into the lake.  The cattle are now provided drinking water from wells rather than the lake.  These are situated around the 20 or so paddocks constructed on the property that allow the cattle to be rotated frequently to prevent overfeeding on the grass.  It also encourages the forage to grow stronger and healthier.

    For their efforts to protect land and water resources, the farm received the York River watershed Grand Basin award for 2021.

    Following the death of LACA founder Jack Bertron in the early 2000s, LACA renamed the honor in his memory.

    Each spring, the LACA board solicits nominations for the honor which is presented at the annual meeting held the last Saturday of July.  A list of qualifications and previous winners is listed on the organization’s website.

  • November 01, 2021 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Ron Skinner – November 2021

    LACA is requesting its members and fellow citizens to send letters to their elected representatives at County, State and US governments.  The purpose of this letter writing campaign is to i) inform officials about the Harmful Algae Bloom (HAB) issues at Lake Anna, and ii) request funding and resources be directed to addressing appropriate action to investigate, mitigate, remediate, and prevent HAB problems.

    Lake Anna is experiencing the growth of blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) that has multiplied into Harmful Algae Blooms each summer for the past four years (2018 – 2021).  HABs create health risks and can release potentially hazardous amounts of toxins into the lake water.  As a result, the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and Lake Anna Civic Association (LACA) have been cooperatively monitoring designated sites on the lake for the presence of blue-green algae and their toxins.

    VDH has issued “no-swim” health advisories for several parts of the upper lake during each of those four years, including Lake Anna State Park in 2018 and 2019, when harmful algae blooms have been detected above “safe” levels, in accordance with Virginia HAB Task Force protocol developed from Federal CDC and EPA guidelines.

    Naturally, there is increased concern about the safety of the water for recreation by residents and visitors, plus the economic impact on local businesses that count on popularity of the lake for their livelihood, and among the several State agencies concerned with water quality and health.  These agencies include VDH, DEQ, Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR), and the three Soil & Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) that cover the Lake Anna Watershed.

    LACA’s Water Quality and Environmental Preservation Committees have conducted water quality monitoring activities, researched harmful algae bloom factors and management techniques, and collaborated with various state agencies and university researchers engaged with HAB issues.

    Why?  To first gain knowledge, benefit of experiences, and better understanding of the range of probable causes of harmful algal blooms here at Lake Anna.  And then to identify (a) prospective treatments, mitigation practices and behavior modifications which could be employed to mitigate and remediate current problems in the short term, and (b) environmental initiatives and capital-intensive projects which may be undertaken to prevent future harmful algae bloom problems over the long term.

    The answers we have uncovered all revolve around the same theme:

    Nutrients entering the lake water must be reduced.

    Primarily phosphorus and nitrogen, nutrients flow in by feeder streams back up in the watershed, storm water runoff and soil erosion near the river banks and shoreline (external sources), or lake bottom sediment that has built up over time (internal sources).  The excess nutrients available in the water are fueling growth of blue-green algae.  This must be controlled to mitigate, remediate, and prevent the unhealthy blooms of harmful toxin-producing Cyanobacteria.  Simply stated in four fundamental steps:

    • Follow the bad algae
    • Backtrack the nutrients
    • Stop nutrients at their sources
    • Remediate the residuals

    Unfortunately, our various State agencies concerned with water quality and health lack the budget funding and staff resources to do any more than their past efforts.  In fact, there is no budget funding dedicated to HAB work in the freshwater lakes and streams in Virginia.  Typically, funding for water quality and environmental programs derives from legislation and budgets at the Federal and State level governments.  Allocation and implementation follow at the State and County level governments.

    Dramatically increased funding and resources are required with dedicated allocation to freshwater HAB study and response.

    So it is important for concerned citizens to contact all their elected representatives asking for funding and resources be directed to addressing appropriate action on HAB issues at Lake Anna.  This applies regardless of where in Virginia (or other states) you may have permanent residence and vote.  Indeed, the more widespread participation across the region you can help to create will make the HAB letter campaign more effective.

    Contact information for elected representatives in the Lake Anna region is listed on the LACA website, under “About the Lake” then “Elected Representatives”. Or click here.

    Statewide elected officials in other parts of Virginia can be found at:

    Please write to your elected officials today!

    A sample letter follows:


    Dear [Elected Representative],

    I am writing to express my concern about Harmful Algae Bloom (HAB) issues at Lake Anna in Central Virginia, and to request that funding and resources be directed to addressing appropriate action to investigate, mitigate, and prevent HAB problems.

    Lake Anna is experiencing the growth of blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) that has multiplied into Harmful Algae Blooms each summer for the past four years (2018 – 2021).  HABs create health risks and can release potentially hazardous amounts of toxins into the lake water.  As a result, the Virginia Department of Health has issued “no-swim” health advisories for several parts of the upper lake during each of those four years, including Lake Anna State Park in 2018 and 2019, when harmful algae blooms have been detected above “safe” levels, in accordance with Virginia HAB Task Force protocol developed from Federal CDC and EPA guidelines.

    Excess nutrients entering the lake, primarily phosphorus and nitrogen, must be reduced to mitigate, remediate, and prevent the unhealthy blooms of harmful toxin-producing Cyanobacteria.

    Unfortunately, our various State agencies concerned with water quality and health lack the budget funding and staff resources to do any more than their past efforts.  In fact, there is no budget funding dedicated to HAB work in the freshwater lakes and streams in Virginia.

    Dramatically increased funding and resources are required via legislation and budgets at the Federal and State level governments, with dedicated allocation to freshwater HAB study and response.

    Please sponsor and support legislation and budget allocations to address freshwater HABs in Virginia.

    Thank you,

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