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January 2025

During the Public Hearing outlined below, the majority of the Supervisors did not appear inclined to approve the requested modification increasing the number of Condo's permitted to be built from 96 to 124.  At the suggestion of the Board, the request was pulled from consideration by the developer, allowing it to be re-worked and brought back in the near term for consideration. 

The sentiment seemed to be that first, there has been no activity since the approval of the rezoning in January 2023, which included a nearly simultaneous action to purchase the Wastewater Treatment plant necessary for this development to move forward.  The county has spent and continues to spend money on this facility to bring it up to compliance and able to handle the additional wastewater from this development, and even before a shovel is in the ground, the developer is back asking for increases in units, further increasing the value of the development for himself.  Second, the developer offered proffers that included a $1,000 payment to the Lake Anna Emergency Foundation, and a $1,000 payment to the Fluvanna Louisa Housing Foundation for each unit built over the original 96 units approved.  If all units are completed, this will provide $28,000 dollars for each of these organizations.  While this is something, it seemed that most of the Supervisors were not impressed by these amounts and some bristled at the prospect that the developer would come in with such low proffers while he was obviously increasing his profits a great deal with the addition of 28 units. 

As stated above, the request was pulled back prior to a vote so that the developer can work within the system to see if he can come up with a plan that is able to gain more approval?  We will post the next Public Hearing date here so stay tuned.

December 2024

On December 11, 2024 the developer of the Lake Anna Resort submitted an application to modify the Proffers under which the decision was made to allow the original zoning change approval. This change will permit the developer to increase the number of Condo units from 96 to 124. The announcement of the Public Hearing, scheduled for January 6, 2024, appears to have been released about Friday the 13th. The application, which can be reviewed HERE, indicates that the developer has determined there is not adequate "market absorption" for the twelve, five (5) bedroom condo units, and is looking to replace all of those proposed units with 40-one (1) bedroom units. All this is said to be able to be done within the same footprint and building height originally proposed.

Public Hearing Notice – REZ2024-07, LA Resort, LLC, Applicants/Owners – Proffer Amendment Request REZ2024-07, LA Resort, LLC, Applicants/Owners, request to amend proffer number two (2) of REZ2022-05, to increase the density for the Lake Anna Resort Planned Unit Development residential condominiums from 96 units to 124 units. This request is in pursuant to ยง 15.2-2302. Same; amendments and variations of conditions. The property is located near the Spotsylvania/Louisa County border fronting New Bridge Rd. (Rt 208) .07 miles before the bridge and is further identified as tax map parcel(s) 30-21-1, 30-21-2, 30-21-3, 30-21-4, 30-21- A, 30-21-B, in the Mineral Election District. The 2040 Louisa County Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Mixed Use, in the Lake Anna Growth Area.

Even though LACA has kept in touch with this developer, this increase in density has come as a surprise to us. LACA has questions and is concerned that, the submission of the application on December 11, 2024, and scheduling of the Public Hearing less than a month later, that there is not adequate time for the public to understand any issues that may result from this change.  We suggest that there is good reason to for the County Board of Supervisors to slow this down, insuring that negative ramifications of this change are understood by all involved. More Units will obviously add additional automobile traffic not included in the required prior studies, will require more boat houses, and perhaps other unknown ramifications.  What is being proposed in this change is not what formed the basis of the agreement to allow the change in zoning in January of 2023, and we see no reason why this should be hurried through the process in January of 2024,  with less than 30 days notice to the public.

As always, we encourage you to attend the Public Hearing and let your Supervisors know what your thoughts are on this important discussion and decision.

The Public Hearing will be held during the Louisa County Board of Supervisors meeting, with the Open Session beginning at 6:00 pm on Monday January 6, 2024 in the County Office Building.

January 2023

During the Public Hearing for this Zoning request at the Board of Supervisors meeting on January 17th, 2023, the Board voted 6 to 1 in favor of approval of the Zoning Request as well as the CUP to allow condominium building to reach a height of 80 feet.  

As of July 2024, there have been no further submissions of site plans or other documents to Community Development.  

November 2022

A Town Hall Meeting was held by Supervisor Adams and  the Developer on Thursday evening November 17th at 6:00 pm, at Callie Oppies Orchard.  The meeting was attended by over 100 interested individuals who mostly opposed the planned development.  The developer's presentation was short providing an opportunity for more community feedback. Questions and comments from those who spoke were similar to those from prior meetings including the size of the development, impact on traffic, water safety, environmental impacts, future costs of the WWTF on taxpayers, noise and the anticipated changes to the rural environment expected if this development is approved.  

October 2022


Click HERE for Document replying to Concerned Citizens Requests of LACA


The Louisa Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on the Lake Anna Resort re-zoning and CUP request on October 13, 2022.  Ten community members weighed in during the public hearing to either explicitly oppose the project or voice significant concerns.  Issues raised by those in attendance included the County overextending itself in the purchase and upgrade of the LAES Wastewater Treatment Facility required by the current plan to handle the wastewater from the proposed development, the environmental impacts of a development the size of that proposed, changing the "rural" nature of the lake with a "Virginia Beach-style condo setup",  the sheer size of the Condominium building which will include nearly 250,000 SqFt as proposed,  increased boat traffic and the safety issues for boating on Mitchell Creek, and the traffic that the development will bring to Route 208, among others.  LACA Land Use Committee Chair John Wayne made a statement representing the concerns and position of LACA, which can be seen HERE.

The Commission voted 4-2 to recommend that the Board of Supervisors approve the rezoning, albeit with two recommendations: that the county withhold a certificate of occupancy for the condo building until it approves a site plan for the hotel and restaurant and that the county require the developer to post a performance bond.  The 2nd motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit failed in a 3-3 vote.  The third vote on the developers request to modify the county’s design and architectural guidelines to allow the use of high-quality composite siding, passed on a vote of 4-2.  The Commissions desires on each of these will now be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors where there is sure to be a great deal of discussion and opposition from the community. 

The Public Hearing with the Board of Supervisors is now being advertised to occur on December 5, 2022 at 5:00 pm in the Public Meeting Room in Louisa. 

August 2022

There was a Community Meeting held at the Louisa Office Complex on Wednesday August 31, 2022 where members of the Community asked many questions surrounding shoreline usage and numbers and types of piers and boathouses, numbers of units and type of condo units and expressed concern regarding short term rentals of Condo units.  It was pointed out that the current commercial zoning does not permit individually owned residential dwellings such as the proposed condos and this seemed to be one of the larger points of concern for the community.  Concern was expressed of yet another started and failed development, leaving the community with unsightly cleared land and possible environmental issues.  Suggestions were made in terms of bonds and other guarantees to the County as remedies for these types of issues. Traffic on the route 208 corridor was another concern voiced by many in attendance.  Frustration was voiced to the county representatives at the meeting, stating that the County continues to approve plans for growth in areas where many feel the road infrastructure is already beyond capacity in the peak season.  Other concerns ranged from the County’s ability to respond to a fire in an 80-foot-tall building with current fire apparatus to whether families with children of school age will occupy the condos posing a strain on the current school system.  You can see LACA current position and suggestions for changes to the Plan HERE.

July 2022 

The Lake Anna Resort is alive and well!  An application has been filed with Louisa County requesting that the two parcels of property, making up the 15 acres identified in the application, be rezoned from Commercial (C2) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) which is a use now consistent with the County’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan for the “Lake Anna Growth Area” in the 208 corridor.  You may recall that a plan like this one was denied by the PC and BOS as not being consistent with the then current Comprehensive Plan, among other reasons, in 2014.

The Developers General Statement of Objectives state that

 "The Lake Anna area would benefit from a leisure travel & business extended stay hotel and additional quality restaurant establishments. In addition, significant market demand exists for luxury residential single-level living condominiums offering an experience tailored towards affluent retirees, active adults, and vacation/2nd home buyers. These market segments are growing within the region and desire an upscale “fit and finish” with commensurate amenities, a maintenance-free lifestyle, and direct access to the lake. The proposed Lake Anna Planned Unit Development (“Development”) seeks to address these underserved market segments within the Lake Anna area.

The project’s overall objective is to build a relevant, quality, upscale, and safe planned unit development community that will benefit all residents of Louisa County by providing needed hospitality alternatives, a luxury single-level living option, 

positive fiscal and economic impact, and employment opportunities in an environmentally and culturally sensitive way.”

The Development is to be located in Louisa County’s primary Northern Virginia access gateway on New Bridge Road (Route 208), just west of the Route 208 bridge. The proposed planned unit development is within the Lake Anna Growth Area and, more specifically, the Route 208 corridor. As stated in the 2040 Louisa County Comprehensive Plan, “Mixed-Use development is desired along the Route 208 corridor providing an area for high quality commercial and residential development with a density higher than in other parts of this growth area.” The Applicant believes its vision for the Development supports these goals as outlined in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan.  This rendering includes the developers plan inserted in to an aerial photo of the cove showing the scale of the development.