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Newsletter articles

  • July 10, 2022 1:13 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Harry Looney – July 2022

    The Lake Anna Advisory Committee (LAAC) recently completed an assessment titled “Algal Bloom Assessment and Recommendations for Part of Lake Anna”.  LAAC issued a contract to SOLitude Lake Management for the research, data capture and analysis, assessment and recommendations.  Field work was conducted between May 2021 and September 2021 consisting of sediment and water sampling and analysis.  The final report from the work was published in February 2022 and is available at this link.

    This article provides an executive summary of the final report and final briefing conducted by SOLitude Lake Management to the LAAC staff on 23 February 2022. 

    The primary model used by SOLitude Lake Management for the assessment was the Lake Loading Response Model (LLRM).  SOLitude referenced several models that are used within the research community for assessing lakes and other surface waters and documented their reasoning behind the use of the LLRM for this assessment. 

    The assessment focused on an 865-acre area of Lake Anna in the upper North Anna River branch (see Figure 1).  The assessment area starts at the Holladay Bridge and extends NW to where the North Anna River flows into the lake and includes Goldmine Creek, Duckinhole Creek, and Christopher Run.  The assessment area comprises less than 10% of the Lake Anna water surface and approximately 40% of the Lake Anna watershed drainage area.

    Figure 1: Assessment Area – 865 Acres of the North Anna River

    The assessment broke the 865-acre area into 2 separate “basins” based on watershed area, water depth and choke points (see Figure 2).

    Figure 2: North Anna River Basins

    Basin 1 is fed by a watershed covering 113 square miles and basin 2 is fed by a watershed covering only 33 square miles.  Basin 1 is shallow with a mean depth of less than 3 meters while basin 2 is deeper with a mean depth greater than 3 meters. 

    SOLitude’s data showed that Basin 1 was well-mixed throughout the year and had sufficient oxygen throughout 2021.  SOLitude’s data for basin 2 indicated that the lake was stratified and lacked oxygen over the sediments throughout the 2021 algae growing season. 

    One of the primary research focus areas in the SOLitude assessment was the availability of nutrients, primarily phosphorous, in the water column (dissolved phosphorous) and in sediment. 

    A key finding in the assessment is that 80% of the phosphorous loading in basin 1 is driven by external sources in the watershed while only 20% of the phosphorous available to the aquatic biomass comes from internal loading (phosphorous stored in sediment). 

    The assessment found that basin 2 is also driven by external loading (60-70%) in the watershed.  SOLitude stated during the final briefing that Lake Anna is a “Phosphorus Limited Lake”, meaning that small increases in phosphorous lead to large increases in algal biomass densities.

    The SOLitude final briefing stated that watershed management alone is rarely sufficient to recover lakes impacted by algal blooms.  They also stated that data from other lakes and areas with algal issues shows that the contributions from agriculture, forested areas, and septic systems are at least as great as urban and development impacts on a watershed.   A general rule of thumb used by environmental engineers is that one square mile of watershed management in developed areas costs $5 million to achieve a 20% reduction in nutrients.  The SOLitude analysis shows that 32% of the assessment area watershed is developed. This means that the funding required to manage just the North Anna tributary and watershed could be greater than 220 million dollars.  

    The final report provides recommendations on different approaches to reduce phosphorous loading and for mitigating algal blooms.  The type of approach LACA is currently taking in our Cyanobacteria Mitigation Program (CMP), hydrogen-peroxide-based algaecides, is mentioned in the report on page 62.  The final report states that “algaecides provide a low cost and short-term solution to address harmful algal blooms”.  The report goes on to state that “peroxide-based algaecides tend to be more selective for many cyanobacteria and leave no potentially harmful residue behind”.  You can find more information on the LACA CMP and our Kick the HAB campaign at this link or by scanning the QR code in this newsletter.

    LACA’s decision to focus on near-term mitigation approaches was developed over several years of research and data analysis.  The SOLitude report on spot algaecide treatments provides additional justification for LACA’s focus on mitigation efforts that can be implemented now with funding levels that LACA can reasonably raise through donations and grants.                                                                                                     

    Based on the results of the LAAC assessment, major federal, state, and local funding is needed to get long-term results from watershed management.  LACA is working to bring federal, state, and local funding to this problem.  Given the large dollar amounts that are needed, a focused, multi-state agency approach is required.  That is why the FY23 Virginia State Budget included 1 million dollars of funding for a study on how to mitigate algal bloom issues on Lake Anna.  This is a complex problem and the approaches to remedy the problem are numerous, varied, expensive, and primarily long-term before effects are realized.  LACA understands that people are tired of studies and data collection but the state funding of 1 million dollars for a study on how to best mitigate the algal bloom issues on Lake Anna is a wise investment to ensure future expenditures are focused on the mitigation and prevention approaches that have the highest probability of success for Lake Anna.

    Interested LACA members are welcome to volunteer in support of LACA’s Water Quality Monitoring and Cyanobacteria Mitigation Programs.  Contact the Water Quality Project Officer at this link if you are interested in learning more or volunteering.

  • July 01, 2022 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By John Wayne - July 2022

    With much of the focus of the Land Use Committee being on a successful outcome regarding the Four Seasons RV Park over the past year, we will begin to report more information as we have it on other developments around the Lake.  Members of the Committee have been watching these developments and communicating with developers and county officials about them.  While some are progressing at the expected rate, others have stalled.  Over the next months we will be providing details on those developments which are active and/or coming in the not-too-distant future.

    One of the “developments” that we can report on is the update to the Spotsylvania Comprehensive Plan for the areas surrounding the lake.  The Planning Commission, working with the Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors had designated the Route 208 corridor in the Lake Anna Area as Mixed Use Commercial Heavy.  This would require that developments proposed for this area have more “commercial” use than residential. 

    In the latest update, they are also adding the Planned Residential Rural (PRR) zoning district as complementary to Mixed Use Commercial Heavy.  This designates single-family detached housing requiring individual well and septic, to the zoning requirements making it harder for developers to get approval for private community wastewater treatment systems and mass drain fields.  While this updated Comprehensive Plan has not received all the required approvals, we have already leanings in this direction by the Planning Commission (PC).  Last year the PC voted unanimously to deny the zoning request for the Towns at Point Seanna development on the property located between Anna Point Marina and Pigeon Run.  This plan proposed utilizing a community wastewater treatment system and the PC indicated that there was not the proper mix of commercial/residential use proposed to be in line with the Comprehensive Plan.  Additional time has been granted to this request and it has not yet gone before the Board of Supervisors.

    Zoning requests and Special Use Permits for upcoming developments on properties in Spotsylvania County will likely now be viewed by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors through the lens of the new Comprehensive Plan once it is approved.  We will watch to see how this affects developments being planned for the Hairfield property, on Rte. 208 across from High Point and Anna Point marinas, and the former Hayden property, where the SUP for the Four Seasons RV Park had been proposed and is currently withdrawn. 

    On the Louisa side of the lake Cutalong is currently most active.  The Golf Course is in full swing with 18 holes and a member count that continues to grow.  Infrastructure is being built out to include the wastewater treatment facility and the community water system.  Look for a complete report on Cutalong in next month’s newsletter.  Other developments continuing through the process in Louisa are the Lake Anna Gateway Shopping area at the corner of Rte. 522 and Mansfield Road which is looking for tenants prior to beginning the build out, the New Bridge Fire and EMS Station where construction should begin soon to be completed in 2023 and the Rte. 522 and Rte. 208 Round About scheduled for some time in 2023. 

    Over the next months we will provide additional details of these and other pending developments around the lake.  If you have questions or hear information that you would like to get to us, please drop the Land Use committee a note.  You can find us on the LACA Website.

  • July 01, 2022 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Greg Baker – July 2022

    Thank you again for participating in the biennial 2021 LACA Member Survey. The goal of the board is to listen to the feedback from the membership and use this information to form the positions that we take as an organization. The board takes this feedback seriously. Over the course of the year, we plan to publish several newsletter articles that share the results and most importantly, LACA’s response to the feedback. This is the second article related to the survey, you may read the first article focusing on Water Quality Issues by following this link.

    The focus of this article is to address the feedback that we received on questions that were not specific to one of our five standing committees which include, Water Quality, Environmental Preservation, Emergency Services & Safety, Fireworks and Land Use. 

    Question #9 asked if LACA should get involved in the regulation of short-term rentals (STR). LACA’s focus would be related only to issues outlined in our mission statement. This would include how overcapacity on septic systems impact the water quality on the lake and how over-capacity impacts the safety of the renters if they do not have working fire extinguishers or egress to bedrooms. The response was overwhelmingly (80.54%) in favor of LACA supporting regulation. We also received 58 comments on this questions that primarily focused on over-capacity.

    In response, the board has taken a position to support smart regulation related to preventing STRs from renting over the capacity of their septic system. This means no more than 2 people per bedroom as it is stated in the septic permit. We have publicly supported the pending ordinance in Louisa County related to STRs. We have made a presentation to the Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisors on the issue. To be clear, LACA is NOT opposed to STRs at Lake Anna, we will continue to fight on your behalf for reasonable regulation to prevent STRs from renting over capacity and to require working fire extinguishers in STRs and all bedrooms to have proper egress.

    Question #10 asked if our members currently rent their lake homes as STRs. Less than 4% of our members currently rent their homes.

    Question #18 focused on our dues which have been $15 per year since the founding of the organization 30 years ago. This is the second time that we polled the membership regarding increasing dues. On both occasions, the membership responded that they would support an increase in dues. Just under 95% of the members supported an increase of at least $5 and well over 50% supported an increase of $10.

    LACA has made significant investments in our water quality testing capabilities with the advent of Harmful Algae Blooms on Lake Anna and the corresponding Recreational Advisories (no-swim warnings) from Virginia Department of Health. In the past, LACA primarily financed our water quality testing program with grants from DEQ, Louisa and Spotsylvania Counties. For the past several years, given the urgency of the HAB problem, we have spent far more than the grants that we receive.

    This is not financially sustainable for LACA to continue. To overcome this deficit, we have asked for increases in our grants from both Louisa and Spotsylvania County. We are grateful to announce that both Louisa and Spotsylvania County approved these requests. We requested funding from Orange County as well, but to date, have never received any funding from Orange County. We have moved to an electronic version of newsletter. This has been well received and has removed one of the largest line items in our budget which was the mailing and printing of our newsletter.

    Even with the increased grants and the reduction in costs within LACA, we continue to run a deficit in our water quality programs. Primarily for this reason, the board voted unanimously to implement an increase in our dues to $25 per year effective January 1st, 2022. There continues to be significant discounts if you extend your membership for over a one-year period. The board notified the membership in the fall of 2021 and gave our members the opportunity to extend their memberships prior to the scheduled increase.

    Question #23 asked about a new mandate for LACA. This would create a “President’s Council” made up of HOA/POA Presidents or their appointed representative. The goal of the council would be to provide a forum at Lake Anna to share best practices and ideas with the communities surrounding the lake. The membership overwhelmingly (86.81%) supported this concept.

    Based on this feedback, the board has been working very hard to come up with what this might look like. At the most recent board meeting in July, the board unanimously voted to establish the council. Please be on the lookout for more information related to the council over the coming months. We will need your help. With close to 200 HOA/POAs on Lake Anna, it is a challenge to know who the president is for each organization. We will be reaching out for your help in identifying who should be invited to join the council.

    Questions #25 through #29 related to our annual meeting and its content. We have had terrific feedback on the annual meeting, and we hope that you will attend the 2022 LACA Annual Meeting on July 30th. To attend, you may preregister by following this link.

    Because of Covid, our 2020 Annual Meeting was conducted later than usual and virtually via Zoom. It was well attended. In 2021, we were able to do a hybrid approach offering both the opportunity to attend via Zoom or in-person. We have had terrific feedback on this approach and we hope to offer both in-person attendance as well as broadcasting the meeting via Zoom going forward.

    LACA scored well on the amount and quality of the content that we present at the meetings with 91% of our respondents suggesting we hit “just the right amount of information.” Having a guest speaker is strongly supported by our membership. The most requested quest speaker by a small margin was to have a member of Louisa and/or Spotsylvania County government speak to the long-term master plan for Lake Anna. Coming in tied for the second most requested speaker would be either a Dominion representative to speak about the nuclear power plant and its operation or a member of local government to speak about the long-term plan for high-speed internet at Lake Anna.

    This year, given the 50th anniversary of Lake Anna, we are excited to have Katelyn Coughlan, Execute Director of the Louisa County Historical Society speak about the history of Lake Anna.

    Finally, we received 88 comments with ideas to address at the annual meetings. These comments ranged from controlling sound levels on boats, to HAB remediation plans, to more police patrolling the lake, to bulkhead issues, to high-speed internet and many, many more.  We encourage all our members to participate in the annual meeting. At the end of the meeting, we will have an open forum where we hope to answer as many of these questions as possible and to understand the concerns of our members!

  • July 01, 2022 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Sue Biondi – July 2022

    This past fall and winter, I wrote articles related to those seasons.  I hope you found them helpful.  To continue my health series, there are a variety of health risks that come with the warmer weather.  It’s a time that we all wait for, a time to get out of the house and enjoy the higher temperatures, sunshine and longer days.  Those longer days increase the possibility of insect and animal bites and physical injuries associated with increased activity, especially outdoor sports.  So, let’s run through a few warm weather consequences.

    Insect Bites and Stings - Most insect bites and stings cause a mild reaction, such as redness, itching or minor swelling.  There may be an instant burning pain or redness at the site.  A welt at the site may be present, or a small white spot at the sting area, where you may be able to see the stinger.  A moderate reaction may be swelling around the area that increases through the day and may last several days.  A severe reaction, or anaphylaxis, may cause shock, respiratory and cardiac arrest within minutes.  Symptoms may include swelling of the tongue or throat, trouble breathing, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fainting or loss of consciousness. 

    Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency and 911 should be called.  People known to have an anaphylaxis reaction should always carry epinephrine.  For treatment of a mild reaction, cold compresses or topical cortisone cream should reduce pain.  If a stinger is visible, remove by pushing it aside with a scraping motion.  Do not grab with fingers or tweezers or more toxin may be released.  Administer an antihistamine as prescribed, if not allergic to this medicine.  A person may consider West Nile virus if generalized symptoms continue.

    Animal Bites - During warmer months, the possibility of non-domestic or domestic bites increases.  Stray and wild animals, including bats, raccoons and skunks, bite thousands of people every year. 

    Animal bites have a greater probability of becoming infected, especially for people with diabetes, peripheral artery disease or weakened immune systems.  If bitten by a non-domestic animal, call 911 and move to a safe area.  Authorities will attempt to capture and quarantine and test for rabies.  A health care provider should be seen within 24 hours to assess for infection.  Other diseases transmitted may be viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic. If you come in contact with any of the above, immediately wash the skin with soap and warm water.  Apply cold compresses or soak the area in cold water.  Over-the-counter oral antihistamines are helpful.  For more severe rashes, oral, cream, ointment or gel forms of corticosteroids may be used.  Wear long sleeved shirts, long pants and enclosed footwear. 

    Other warm weather issues to consider - Lyme disease is a bacterial disease caused by a bite from an infected tick, which may affect joints, the heart, and the nervous system.  Treatment is with antibiotics.  After outdoor activities, persons should examine all areas of the skin, especially the groin, axilla and scalp.  Mostly, a tick must be attached for 36 to 48 hours or longer before transmitting Lyme disease bacteria. 

    Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac - All poisonous plants are found throughout yards, gardens and wooded areas.  Identification of these plants is the best way to avoid becoming victim to their allergic reactions.  There are many samples of types of leaves online.  Becoming familiar with the different varieties may help you avoid coming in contact.  

    These are just a few of the problems associated with the warm weather season.  After being restricted to mostly being indoors for the past two or more years, everyone is getting out into the fresh air and resuming those wonderful, fun activities that may find us in one of the situations listed in this article. 

    My next article will contain information about how to respond to snake bites, concussions, drowning, lacerations and puncture wounds, sprains and strains, sunburn and West Nile virus.  Most of these topics become more prevalent as the temperatures increase and we are swimming and spending longer hours outdoors.  If you have any questions related to anything mentioned in this article, be sure to email me at and I will be glad to answer any questions or concerns.  See you next month.

  • June 01, 2022 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Harry Looney – June 2022

    Several of our members asked question during the LACA 2021 Survey about how they can get their well water tested.  One of the best resources available to Virginians is the Virginia Household Water Quality Program managed by the Virginia Cooperative Extension.  You can go to the web page for this program by typing into your favorite internet browser or by just clicking on the image for the program in this newsletter.

    Some of the more useful resources on the program’s web page include a brochure covering ten tips for managing your private well water supply and details on Well Water Testing and Drinking Water Clinics held by the Virginia Cooperative Extension.  The clinics cover how to collect a good water sample, how the analysis is performed and how the results are interpreted.  The 2022 schedule for the clinics has not yet been posted on their website but it is expected soon. 

    Cost for the lab analysis is $60 according to their website.  There are a huge number of commercial labs where you can get your water tested anytime you want to check it.  Costs vary widely based on the number of parameters tested but some commercial labs charge up to $300 for a single test.  A listing of commercial labs is available on the Virginia Cooperative Extension website or click here to go to the document.

    Contact your local Virginia Cooperative Extension office to find out when the next Drinking Water Clinic is going to be held in your area.  You can contact the local Virginia Cooperative Extension office at:

    •  Louisa: 200 E. Main Street, Louisa, VA 23093, (540) 967-3422 
                Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday – Friday)
    •  Spotsylvania:  8800 Courthouse Road, The Marshall Center, Room   202, Spotsylvania, VA 22553 (540) 507-7570.  The Marshall Center is   currently locked to the public.  Please call to make an appointment   to meet with an agent.

               Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Monday – Friday)

    • Orange: 146 North Madison Road, Suite 102, Orange, VA 22960 (540) 672-1361

               Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday – Friday)

    Interested LACA members are welcome to volunteer in support of LACA’s Water Quality Monitoring Program.  Contact the Water Quality Project Officer at this link if you are interested in learning more or volunteering.

  • June 01, 2022 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Jean McCormick – June 2022

    Now is a good time to look at the fire extinguisher in your boat.  Beginning April 20, 2022, new U S Coast Guard regulations take effect, on Federal waters, that change extinguisher expiration dates and the minimum classification of fire extinguishers carried aboard newer boats. This is a Change in Federal law and will not affect boaters on Lake Anna because Lake Anna is “sole state waters” and does not fall under Federal regulations .  But, if you take your boat on Federal waters, (the Potomac or Rappahannock Rivers, Chesapeake Bay…) this law will be in effect, and you will be expected to have updated your fire extinguishers.

    The new U S Coast Guard regulation puts a 12-year expiration on all disposable (non-rechargeable) fire extinguishers. The manufacturers’ date may be two or four digits (ex. 16 or 2016) stamped on the bottom of the bottle or near the UL label.

    The other big change:  boats that are model year 2018 or newer must carry a newer “5-B, 10B and 20-B” classified extinguisher rather than those with older “B-I” and “B-II” labels which are being phased out. The number in the new labels refer to the size (in square feet) of a potential fire the device is suitable to extinguish.  For boats less than 26 feet and 2018 model year and newer, a fire extinguisher must be an unexpired “5-B”, or “10-b” or “20-B”. For 2018 models and newer recreational boats 26-65 feet, requirements vary. (Check the table below.)

    If your boat is a 2017 model or older, you may carry the older “B-I” or “B-II” disposable extinguishers until their 12-year expiration date.  Then they must be replaced with the newer class extinguishers: either a 5-B-C or a 10-B-C or 20-B-C.  Local landfills will accept expired fire extinguishers.

    The 12-year expiration date puts the U S Coast Guard regulations in line with the National Fire Protection Association’s recommendation.

    You can assume that the U S Coast Guard Auxiliary and United States Power Squadron’s VESSEL SAFETY CHECK program will include this new regulation as part of their free, no-penalty, vessel exams.


  • June 01, 2022 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Irene Luck – June 2022

    Lake Anna is marking a milestone this year with its 50th anniversary and part of the year-long celebration is the annual LACA fireworks show which is scheduled for Saturday, July 2.

    This year’s event promises to be the best one yet and also marks the 25th time LACA has coordinated the shoot.

    In September 1997 a group of volunteers arranged for the first official fireworks show on Lake Anna to mark the 25th anniversary of the lake’s formation.  The first shoot was held at Lake Anna State Park with funds raised from the community.  Following a successful shoot that was enjoyed by thousands of spectators, mostly from the lake, LACA was approached about continuing the tradition as a celebration of America’s independence.  Excess funds were transferred to LACA and a fundraising effort began for the 1998 event.

    The late Richard Cooley, a resident of Lake Anna, was a pyrotechnic specialist with Zambelli International.  He had assisted with the September shoot and offered his services at no charge to LACA provided the display was not held on July 4th, an extremely busy day for him and his counterparts.

    For several years afterwards, until health issues forced him to step aside, Cooley helped design and arrange the fireworks show working with volunteers to set up and ignite the pyrotechnics.  Initially the fireworks were shot from the dam at the far eastern end of the lake providing a spectacular view for many who watched on land as well as on boats.  However, after the attacks of September 2001 Dominion would no longer permit the shoot from the dam due to safety concerns and it was moved to its current location at Dike 2, an earthen dam with no public access just uplake from the original site.

    But, the shoot isn’t just a LACA event.  It requires assistance from Louisa County’s sheriff’s office and its emergency services agencies.  Volunteer firefighters and medical personnel are on standby during the shoot in case of an emergency.  Louisa and Spotsylvania sheriffs’ offices have marine units to help patrol the safety zone area around the dike along with Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources and volunteers from the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Lake Anna Flotilla 87.

    Due in part to the longtime association with Zambelli through Cooley and others who enjoyed working at Lake Anna, the association has been fortunate to have a top-notch show at a discounted cost.  Many have said that the show at Lake Anna equals those at larger venues such as the nation’s Capital and larger cities.

    This year, the fundraising goal is $35,000 and letters soliciting donations will be in the mail soon.  You can also donate at LACA’s website by following the link here.   All donations will be listed on our website which can be viewed here.

  • April 01, 2022 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Ron Skinner - April 2022

    LACA is excited to announce the “Kick the HAB” @ Lake Anna campaign. The goal of the campaign is to pilot a Cyanobacteria monitoring and mitigation program during the upcoming 2022 recreational season.  A fundraising target of $75,000 to $100,000 will be needed for the pilot.  See how to donate below and on the LACA website at the “DONATE NOW” button.

    “Kick the HAB” is intended to minimize the need for Virginia Department of Health (VDH) recreational “no-swim” advisories on Lake Anna.   By getting out in front of developing potential harmful algal blooms, the plan would succeed by safely keeping Cyanobacteria growth in check before reaching critical threshold cell concentrations that would trigger an HAB advisory to be issued by VDH. 

    LACA has been conducting water quality monitoring at Lake Anna alongside Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for many years.  In addition, for the past two years we have added a more frequent and intensive Cyanobacteria Monitoring program focused on the problematic upper lake region tributaries.  We have also over the last four years investigated and researched various approaches, methodologies, and emerging technology aimed at HAB mitigation, remediation and prevention. 

    These efforts have convinced us that the underlying causes are complex, deep-rooted and difficult to precisely identify.  The solutions will need to be multi-faceted, will be expensive, and will take a lot of effort over a long timeframe.  We are in the process of documenting an action plan for Cyanobacteria Mitigation, Remediation and Prevention that involves an extensive list of both short range and long-range prospective actions.  Mitigation actions we have evaluated tend to be more cost-effective and targeted for more immediate impacts.  The most promising of these ideas with the greatest potential near-term impact on HABs at Lake Anna and safest environmental outcomes are the mitigation technology we are currently evaluating.

    Of course, approvals will be needed from DEQ, Dominion Energy, and possibly others.  We are currently in the process of reaching out through our Lake Anna Water Quality and HAB stakeholder group for their support and guidance.  As the process of finalizing details progresses, we will also be reaching out to the larger Lake Anna community about the proposed Cyanobacteria monitoring and mitigation pilot program.

    Fundraising for “Kick the HAB” @ Lake Anna

    The “Kick the HAB” @ Lake Anna fundraising campaign will be essential for moving forward with the pilot program.  The fundraising goal is $75,000 to $100,000.  With this in mind, the LACA Board and volunteers have agreed to match up to $35,000 that is raised from the community and LACA members. 

    To make a tax-deductible donation, please visit our website at and click on the “DONATE NOW” button at the top of the Home page.

    Or at the bottom of Home page click on the green “DONATE” button next to the “Kick the HAB” fundraising progress thermometer.

    Or you can send a donation check (Memo – Kick the HAB) to:


    P.O. BOX 217

    MINERAL, VA 23117

    LACA has already placed orders totaling approximately $20,000 for equipment that is needed to begin the monitoring segment of the pilot program this Spring.  If approved by DEQ and Dominion Energy, more equipment, supplies and materials will be required to implement the mitigation segment during the Summer months.  These expenses will likely be variable depending on the specifics of an approved mitigation pilot program.

    Please consider making a sizable donation to help “Kick the HAB” @ Lake Anna come to fruition.  Timing is critical for this pilot to proceed in 2022.  LACA would like to raise the necessary funds by June 1st, or we may have to postpone the pilot until 2023.

    Please DONATE now.  If the pilot is successful, we could have a viable pathway towards one long-term solution to HABs and NO recreational advisories on Lake Anna!

    For additional information, you can follow LACA’s Facebook page or send email to 

    LACA is a registered 501(c)(3) charity with the IRS. Our EIN is 54-1576137

  • April 01, 2022 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Greg Baker - April 2022


    It is that time of year to solicit volunteers for the LACA Board elections which will be held this summer. If you are an old timer at the lake, a new full-time resident that wants to get involved or a weekender that can come down on the first Thursday of the month for our board meeting, LACA could sure use your help. Our goal is to have at least two volunteers on the ballet for each board position. The positions up for election this summer are Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Treasurer and the Regional Directors in the following regions: Region 2-Jackson/Cuckoo Public Side, Region 4-Brokenburg, Region 6-Mineral/Louisa.

    In addition, we have a vacancy in Region 3-Partlow. We are looking for at least one person that the board might consider appointing to serve out the remainder of the term. Hopefully, we have more than one person that is willing to volunteer for this position, in which case we will hold a special election.

    For the Regional Director positions, you must own property or live in the region. If you are unsure of the boundaries of the regions, you may read our policy statement that defines the boundaries. In most cases the boundaries are in line with the county voting districts. There are maps of these districts on our website as well that you can see here. Each position on the board has a term of two years. 

    To learn about the roles and responsibilities of those roles, by clicking the following: Regional Director Roles or Officer Roles. If being on the board is not your cup of tea, but you would like to volunteer for one of our committees, please let us know. Our standing committees are Water Quality, Environmental Preservation, Fireworks, Emergency Services & Safety, Land Use and Membership & Marketing. We can also use help in managing our website, publishing our newsletter and grant writing. There is never a shortage of opportunities to help LACA and Lake Anna.

    If you are interested or would like to find out more, please email the election committee which is made of myself and Irene Luck at either or

    Four Seasons RV Park

    Since the Four Seasons RV Park SUP application was denied by the Planning Commission in a vote of 7-0, the application has been on the back burner waiting to be heard by the Board of Supervisors. We believe the application will reach the Board on their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, May 10th at 4:30.

    The rules for the Board of Supervisors meeting are different than those of the Planning Commission as it relates to the ability to speak or have an email read into the record.

    John Wayne (LACA’s land use Chair) and I are working diligently to determine what we think might be the best course of action for our members to express our opposition to this application. 

    Please mark your calendars for May 10th and make every effort to join us in person. We will communicate on our website, through our newsletter and our timely E-Grams as we have more information. As we learn more, we will be requesting all of our members and their friends and families start an email/letter writing campaign directly to the Supervisors.

    We also hope to meet with the newly elected Livingston District Supervisor, Jake Lane in the coming days to solicit his advice and input.

    To be clear, every effort to date has been nothing more than a scrimmage. The ultimate outcome is up to the majority of the seven Supervisors. The real battle is yet to come on May 10th.

    Jack Bertron Award Nominees Requested

    It is also that time of year to solicit nominees for the “Jack Bertron Distinguished Service Award.” Annually, LACA awards an individual or an organization our highest honor/recognition for their outstanding work for the benefit of LACA or more important Lake Anna.

    To learn more about the criteria for this important award, please click here or click to see a list of the past winners. There is also a terrific article about last year’s winner, Elk Creek Farm written by our very own Irene Luck.

    Kick the HAB @ LKA

    Please be sure to read Ron Skinner’s newsletter article about our new fundraising campaign. I hear from our members all the time that they “know” what causes HAB and we need to stop talking about it, researching it, testing it and instead, just fix it! 

    I do really wish that this extremely complex problem was that easy to identify and remediate, but the issue is not an easy fix and could cost well into the hundreds of millions of dollars to permanently eradicate.

    This new fundraising effort is LACA’s first attempt to execute a plan that could potentially have a measurable impact.  Our goal is to treat the lake prior to HAB outbreaks with the hope of preventing or shortening VDH’s recreational no-swim advisories that have plagued the lake for the past four years.

    There is much to do on this project, most importantly obtaining the proper permissions and permits from the regulatory authorities and Dominion Energy.

    Our goal is to execute this plan in 2022! However, in spite of the regulatory challenges, if we are successful, we want to ACT and we cannot do that without your financial support. To have a chance of this occurring in 2022, we must meet our fund-raising goal by early June.

    Our volunteer board has stepped up and agreed to match the first $35,000 in donations that we receive. Please help make us write these matching checks by donating today. Click here to make your fully tax-deductible donation to Kick HAB’s Butt! Please tell your friends and neighbors about this project and ask them to chip in as well.

  • April 01, 2022 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By John Wayne – April 2022


    The Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors will likely decide the fate of the Four Seasons RV Park in an upcoming meeting, currently scheduled for May 10, 2022, at 4:30 pm.  In the past day we have heard that the schedule may slip beyond this date, but at press time have not been able to confirm this information.  You will recall that the applicant is seeking a Special Use Permit (SUP) to build a large, high density commercial operation, with 300 RV sites, restaurants, an amphitheater, boat docks, activity centers, and other amenities on the Upper Pamunkey Branch of Lake Anna, one of the shallowest and ecologically impaired areas on the lake.  When the BOS takes up the application, the Planning Commission will present their unanimous recommendation that the Special Use Permit, required for construction and operation of the Resort, be denied.  The applicant will have an opportunity to address any questions asked by the Supervisors and a vote will likely be taken to approve or deny the application.

    While the LACA  Board, the Land Use committee and many of you have worked hard over the past 15 months to make our elected officials aware of the negative consequences with some success at the Planning Commission level, we continue to need your support.  As we have stated many times, the Board of Supervisors is not bound by the Planning Commission’s recommendation and can vote to approve the SUP.  There continue to be several ways that you can reiterate your concerns and desire that this SUP be defeated to the Board prior to their vote on May 10th.

    This Board of Supervisors meeting is not conducted in the same manner as the Planning Commission “public hearing” which was utilized effectively to deliver concerns surrounding the SUP.  Different tactics are necessary to ensure that the Board of Supervisors understands the concerns of the community.  While the Planning Commission presentation to the Board will include information on the level of opposition this SUP encountered during their process, we feel that it is still very important that the Supervisors hear directly from those of us who make our homes at the lake. 

    Given the parliamentary procedures of the Board of supervisors, there are a few effective ways that you can provide your views to the Board.

    1. While there will not be a public comment period specifically for the Four Seasons RV Park during the meeting on May 10th, there is a public comment period at the beginning of every Board of Supervisors meeting where citizens can comment on anything of concern to them in their community. This provides an opportunity for anyone to take up to 3 minutes to make a statement on their position pertaining to the SUP.  We encourage you to take advantage of this time and to go and provide your statement before the Board.  The Board of Supervisors meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. and the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.  The next scheduled meetings are April 12th at 4:30 pm, then April 26th at 6:00 pm, and then on May 10th at 4:30, where the RV Park presentation will also occur. 

    2.  We want to ensure that each of the Supervisors gets a complete picture of the level of opposition to the RV Park and suggest that all those with an opinion email each of the Supervisors to provide your input.  It is particularly important that Supervisors who do not represent citizens from the lake area understand the issues and concerns of those of us who will have to live with their decision.  Understand that these emails are not being “entered into the record”, as they were at the Planning Commission public hearing, but will hopefully persuade each Supervisor to weigh the issues surrounding this SUP. The Supervisors and their email addresses are:

    3. We feel it is also still important to continue to demonstrate our opposition to the SUP by attending the May 10th Board of Supervisors meeting, in support of those that do choose to speak during the public comment period at the beginning of this meeting.  Plan to attend the meeting and be present for this deliberation.

    As we enter the home stretch on what has been a protracted battle, lets redouble our efforts to show opposition at the Board of Supervisors level to the Four Seasons RV Park through using each of these three mechanisms to indicate to the Board that this is a terrible idea. Let’s finish this effort!

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